Stressed? overwhelmed? seeking emotional balance?

Ms Niambi Ayanna

has been using the Far Infrared (FIR) Sauna since she was in her early teens. In the midst of being bullied and dealing with depression, she wanted a way to release unknown emotion like anger and sadness. While completing her teens, she shied away from the sauna because the level of detox was construed as a negative due to anxiety. 

In her 20’s, Ms Niambi Ayanna began an independent journey to heal after choosing to let go of her depression by the age of 21. She then purchased her own personal sauna. In the beginning, she would only sit in the heat for 10-15 minutes because she felt anxious. As her nervous system started to repair itself with the help of the infrared treatment, the sitting time would gradually increase. Now, on average, she enjoys the full 30 minutes. 

She now recommends that all of her young adultees purchase this FIR Sauna! This is a lifetime investment that will always support you mentally and physically! 

Retails for $2000

Purchase yours for just $1200

Frequently asked questions

Far Infrared Ray light is a form of electromagnetic light energy from the sun.  It is within the same Far Infrared light spectrum family
 but due to its longer wavelengths, the human eyes, just like the ultraviolet rays and X-rays, cannot see 
FIR light. 
 Infrared (IR) radiation is electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength (15 – 1000 µm) longer than that of visible light (400 – 700 nm) but shorter than that of microwaves (approximately 30,000 µm).

A nanometer (nm) is a unit of measure.  The nanometer is one-billionth of a meter (1nm = 1 / 1,000,000,000m).  A nanometer is used to measure things that are very small like atoms and molecules.

A micrometer (µm) is one millionth of a metre or one thousandth of a milimetre (1 µm = 1 / 1,000,000m).  A strand of human hair is about 100 µm wide.  The micrometer is a common unit of measurement for wavelength of infrared radiation.

The normal human body temperature is 98.6°F.  The human body radiates infrared energy out through the skin at 3 – 50 microns.  Typically, our body heat is radiated outward around 8 – 10 microns (~ 9.4 microns) which is the reason for increased room temperatures from a crowd of people in the same area.

As stated above, far infrared energy light is an electromagnetic radiation wave.  Just the same, the sun transmits radiant energy to earth via electromagnetic radiation waves.  Electromagnetic radiation waves are produced and channeled from a hot object to a cooler object, subsequently, the cooler object warms.   As an individual sits in the Relax FIR Sauna, the body receives the electromagnetic radiation waves and begins warming to indicate absorption of the FIR energy light. 

The Relax FIR Sauna has a special technology ceramic semiconductor.  This technology includes a computer programmed semi-conductor chip unknown to any other sauna. Combined with a special material developed by Relax, the ceramic semiconductor can absorb heat and then radiate the Far Infrared Rays that are easily absorbed by our cells and internal organs.


Moreover, the Relax FIR heater system utilizes the only clinically tested heater/radiator approved by the FDA (510K Number K05337), guaranteeing individuals to receive 100% Far Infrared Light Rays.

Again, The Relax FIR Sauna has a special technology ceramic semiconductor.  This technology includes a computer programmed semi-conductor chip unknown to any other sauna.  The Relax FIR Sauna utilizes a silver, quilted, cover-cloth tent with a unique reflecting material.  Additionally, the specially designed ‘whirlwind heater fan” assist the ceramic semiconductors with the even spread of efficiently produced far infrared ray energy light throughout the chamber.  This energy light is easily absorbed and utilized by the body.


Other cheaply produced models, which look the same, are designed with a metal grid and coated with laminated plastic.  Electricity heats up the grid.  A cloth impregnated with carbon, is placed on top of the laminated grid.  The grid eventually becomes hot enough to generate light composed of Far Infrared Rays and additional wavelengths.  These saunas are results-limited and lack product efficiency.

Sweating is the body’s safe and natural way to detox; eliminate toxins from the body.  Sweat carries toxins out of the body and pushes it through the pores. Toxins like sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and carcinogenic heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel) and mercury accumulate in the body during modern daily life. The body eliminates most toxins naturally by sweating but the process is sometimes too slow. Infrared heat therapy stimulates the sweat glands that cleanse and detoxify the skin. The FIR heat technology simply speeds up the body’s natural detox process.

While using the Relax Far Infrared Sauna, the heart receives a workout similar to a 6-mile run during a 20-30 minute FIR sauna session.  The body perspires the same amount as if participating in a 6-mile run.  An individual can burn anywhere from 600 – 900 calories in one 20 – 30 minute session. Infrared saunas are perfect for those whom suffer from injuries that inhibit rigorous activity or want to supplement their regular exercise regimen.

Usually illnesses are accompanied by a fever.  During a fever, the body heats up to eliminate viruses and attack foreign agents.  This rise in temperature is a natural stage of the immune system’s healing process and is one of the best ways to rid the body of chemicals and unwelcome visitors.  The immune system weakens the hold of viruses and bacterial growth.


FIR heat therapy induces an “artificial fever” by heating up the body but without the pains of an illness.  Subsequently, the body wards off invading organisms much more easily because the immune system is activated consistently by the “artificial fever”.   Colds and flu-like illnesses are reduced dramatically if treated in the early stages with FIR heat therapy.

Far-infrared heat improves circulation, expels dirt, releases chemicals and removes dead cells on the surface of the skin.  All of these benefits lead to a more radiant, soft and firm complexion.  Just as well, the removal of dead cells can prove beneficial to the fading of old skin blemishes!

The maximum temperature of the sauna can range from 149° to 167°F.  It is important to remember that the healing light of the Far Infrared Sauna is producing the healing.  Additionally, one can control the temperature of the sauna by using only one of the two radiator switches located on the controller or pulling down the zipper at the neck.

Yes! The warranty includes one-year parts and labor.  The life expectancy averages at 15+ years.

Retails for $2000

Purchase yours for just $1200

Relieve Stress

Improved Sleep patterns

lowered blood pressure / sugar

Enhanced blood circulation

reduce acne

regulate body temperature
(night sweats)

Stimulates Endorphins

Improved Mobility

Improves the Cardiovascular System

Stop Swelling

Release anxiety

Weight Loss

lowered cholesterol

radiant skin & healthy hair

Improve mobility

Lowers Lactic Acid in Muscles

Kills some Bacteria and Parasites

Penetrates Tissues for Cleansing/Detox

Improves Lymphatic Drainage

Attracts Calcium to Cell Membranes for Healing

Retails for $2000

Purchase yours for just $1200

relax your entire body

The Far Infrared Sauna will assist your body to achieve your desired relaxation. Release your stress, heal through emotion, and enjoy a total reset.

Feel refreshed

Experience feeling refreshed after each session. Whether sleeping, listening to calm music, or sitting in silence, enjoy feeling free following the FIR experience.

Deep detoxification

Penetrate the cells and sweat out dormant and new toxins. While absorbing energy light, release physical and emotional strains from the body.

assist your heart

While sweating, you are unclogging your arteries and improving all bodily functions. The more you assist yourself, the more you will develop internal love. It's a win-win!

Retails for $2000

Purchase yours for just $1200